Logging into TLD

To log in to the dialer you will need to access you companies TLD web portal. This is typically yourcompany.tldcrm.com

  • If you do not know your companies web portal address, please reach out to your administration
Once you have accessed the portal enter your username and password. The user name is typically your first inital last name @ company abbreviation and the password is typically generic and prompts you to change your password for security purpose, after all if everyone gets the same starting password you dont want someone logging into your account.
  • If you do not know your username or password, please reach out to your administration
If you receive a red box notification stating “User may not login from xxx.xxx.xx.xx (your IP address) this means that your IP address has not been given permission to log on to TLD.
  • Please advise your supervisor of your IP address and request they add you to the whitelist (permission to access list).
Once your succefullly logged in to the CRM the home page will pull up. Select the TLDialer button as circled. This will launch the dialer sign in process.
Once the new screen has loaded, go to the toggle button in upper right hand corner of the dialer next to the orange Disconnected display.
TLD will give you a drop down with the choices of campaigns that have been assigned to you by your administators.
Select the correct campaign from the drop down menu, you should get a green notification box in the right hand corner that states "TLDSIP Registered" this mean the dailer connected correctly. If there is only one campaign it will just log in.
Remember to allow the audio device in the pop up that Chrome gives you (as pictured below) also a reminder that you will automatically be put on pause when you first log in.
Listen for the greeting message from the dialer "Welcome to TLD" and you are ready to unpause and take calls.
  • Important Note: If you do not hear the greeting message you will need to follow the audio trouble shooting guide. {inse
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